Remember Me - Painting Art by Thomas Kinkade Studios
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Remember Me

Remember Me - Thomas Kinkade Studios
Remember Me
Thomas Kinkade Studios

Thomas Kinkade began painting, Remember Me: Amazing Grace I, during an Easter service in his home church. While his pastor preached about the work of Christ on the cross, Thom stood beside him and quietly brought his words to life on canvas. On Calvary, it was a thief who had "wandered far away" from God, who called out to Jesus a simple, but heartfelt prayer, "Father, remember me when you come into your Kingdom." And Jesus responded with words of amazing grace, "Today, you will be with me in Paradise." The assurance of forgiveness offered in that moment by our Savior, is a reminder to each one of us that wherever we are in our lives; whatever valleys and dark places we find ourselves in, there is always a path that leads to the Cross. That even though each of us live flawed lives, God is able to redeem and use us to accomplish great good. This was what Thomas Kinkade believed. It is our hope that this painting fills your home with the message that even though we might wander away from Him, God always welcomes us home with his amazing grace, and stands ready to write new chapters in our lives.
