Teleflora Social Media Contest Winner
Send a Christmas bouquet they’ll adore for many years to come! This Thomas Kinkade collectible makes for a beautiful gift and features sweet holiday flowers made up of roses and winter greens. Red spray roses, red carnations and miniature red carnations are arranged with noble fir, cedar, white pine, seeded eucalyptus and dusty miller. Delivered by @teleflora with Thomas Kinkade’s Sweet Shoppe Keepsake.
Congratulations to the winners of our @teleflora sweepstakes: Karen from Connecticut and in the true spirit of giving, our winner Cynthia gifted the beautiful Teleflora bouquet to her Mom, Gloria in New Hampshire.
Until Christmas, Teleflora is offering 20% off on the Thomas Kinkade Sweet Shoppe Bouquet with the code: HOLIDAY2022.